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About Carol Sherby

            Carol specializes in helping others understand the energy dynamics of our bodies and how it affects the health and function of our own energy system. Carol earned her B.S. degree at Northern Michigan University in Education, her LMT certification at School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology, and her BCST certificate from the Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy Foundation.  The  2 yr. certificate program evolved directly from the pioneering work of William Sutherland, D.O., innovator of Cranial Osteopathy. She is also extensively  trained in advanced CranioSacral Therapy from Upledger Institute in CranioSacral I and II, Somato Emotional Release I and II, Advanced CranioSacral I, Cranioacral Touching the Brain I CTTB1 and Touching the Brain 2 CTTB2, and CSLRAP Reversal of the Aging Process and Reiki Master since 2000.

          Carol can help you understand the amazing energy field that surrounds our bodies and is the basis of everything we experience in life. Our bodies have an intricate circuitry that is constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the network of interrelated tissues and fluids which make up the central nervous system. Carol, a health and wellness advisor, is passionate about CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and takes a holistic approach to healing. Integrating CST with diet and nutrition, Carol can guide you in understanding this life energy and how constrictions to nerve fibers can arise in response to physical injury, stress or emotional trauma. She will help you, through CST technique, achieve balance, promoting wellness in mind, body, and spirit.

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2010-present    One Mind and Body CranioSacral Therapy                        

Owner/BS, LMT, CranioSacral Therapist


  • Certified by the Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy Foundation 156 Hour training program. Upledger Institute, 168 CE Hours, CST I & II, SER I & SER II, Advanced CranioSacral Therapy I, CranioSacral Touching the Brain CTTB1 and CSLRAP Reversal of the Aging Process.  Owner, One Mind and Body CranioSacral Therapy.  Located at Mindful Movements in Glen Ellyn, IL

  •  Dedicated to helping you resource & enhance the functioning of the physiological body system through Biodynamic CranioSacral therapy

  • Certified practitioner, trained to sense subtle observable movements of fluids and body structures and with palpatory skill feel energetic patterns or "rhythm" at key points and pinpoint the source of dysfunction or restriction.  My CST palpatory skill is effective with stress related dysfunctions, such as migraines, anxiety, TMJ, torticollis in newborns, tongue tie, plagiocephaly, and those with head and neck injuries due to an accident...whip lash from a car accident, concussion, sports injury, etc 

  • Certified practitioner taught to sense these observable subtle movements of fluids and body structures and with palpatory skill and the quality of the therapeutic relationship, can effect changes in clients. CST is increasingly used as a preventative health tool to enhance the body's immune system.  


1993-2010   Garden Tapestries                                      Glen Ellyn, IL

Sole proprietor/Landscape designer


  • Design and implement architectural landscape plans: utilizes my creative design skills and demonstrates knowledge of a creative art form and the leadership to guide my customers

  • Featured in Chicagoland Gardening, March 1999. Article, “Rivers of Color” focused on my concept of drifts of color to be used in planting garden perennials: illustrates my perspective on the application of color theory, size/proportion and texture through the use of plants

  • Project Manager: Purchase plants, schedule installations, and supervise the install teams to ensure customer satisfaction


2006-2009    Walsh Landscape Construction                 Bolingbrook, IL

Landscape Garden Designer


  • Designer: Designed perennial and annual gardens with emphasis on use of annuals for continuous color impact

  • Project Manager: Developed a perennial and annual garden department. Coordinate maintenance teams in the field, ensuring proper design implementation and customer satisfaction and promoted sales of seasonal flower installations & garden maintenance


  1992-1999         Morton Arboretum                                    Lisle, IL          

Arboretum Naturalist Instructor


  • Taught basic tree and plant identification, wildlife tracking, Illinois prairie history, a program built through the Arboretum and District 204 Science teachers: successfully promoting a better visual understanding of concepts with a hands-on application in an out of door setting.


1990-Present        University of Illinois Extension                     Wheaton, IL

Master Gardener


  • Active member of University of Illinois Cooperative Extension, Speakers Bureau: present talks on topics such as Creating a Garden Design, Color in your Garden, Illinois Prairie Natives, etc.

  • Volunteer work, educating community about basic botany, disease problems, judged children’s 4-H flower design competitions, DuPage County Fair.

  •  Designed historic garden and was team leader of the Graue Mill Garden Reclamation Project,  Hinsdale,  IL.

  • Outstanding State of Illinois Master Gardener award 2002




School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology                         Downers Grove, IL

Massage Therapy

Completed 600 Hr Massage Certification Program


Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy Foundation                    Mt. Prospect, IL

Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy Certification Program

Completed 156 hour training program requirements for certification in Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy


Upledger Institute International                                             Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Completed 192 hour training program requirements for certification in Upledger CranioSacral Therapy 

CranioSacral Therapy I and II

Somato Emotional Release I and II

Advanced CranioSacral Therapy I

CranioSacral Therapy for Longevity

CranioSacral Touching the Brain1 Stimulating Self-Correction through the Glial Interface CTTB1 and CTTB2



Northern Michigan University                                                Marquette,  MI.

B.S.   Bachelors Degree         Cum Laude

Certified Art/English teacher


  • Major: Art Education:  emphasis, Metalsmithing/ Jewelry Design, Ceramics; Minor: English

  • Illinois Teaching Certification: Split Type (03) and (09)

           K-9 Standard Elementary Art Education #2148950 

           6-8 English/Middle School Language Arts endorsement

           Grade 6-12 Standard Secondary Art Education #2148951


  • College of DuPage                                                              Glen Ellyn, IL

    Naturalist Certificate Program

  • 75 hrs towards Naturalist Certificate Program:  Northern Illinois Fauna in Winter, Winter Field Ecology, Tree Identification and Ecology, Conifers in Winter, Deciduous Trees in Winter, Spring Local Flora




1996-1998                   Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital       Wheaton, IL

Marianjoy Auxiliary President

  • Increased awareness of Marianjoy’s services available to the disabled population, spearheading fundraiser activities contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars, further demonstrating my leadership skills

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