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POST CONCUSSION SYNDROME and associated symptoms have positively responded to CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY (CST)

We are all very familiar with head injuries sustained in athletic competition such as football, soccer and hockey. However, our military service members and veterans also face health issues related to traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially during combat, with exposure to explosives. The Department of Defense and the Defense and Veteran's Brain Injury Center estimate that "22% of all combat casualties from these conflicts are brain injuries - 60% to 80% of soldiers who have other blast injuries may also have traumatic brain injuries."

Most recently, a very encouraging study was conducted where CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, Visceral Manipulation (VM), and Neural Manipulatioin (NM) modalities for treating patients with post-concussion syndrome resulted in reduction in pain intensity and improved cognition. The full abstract and link is listed below.

"A Single-blinded case series was conducted at the Upledger Institute, in West Palm Beach, Florida.

The goal of this study was to evaluate these effects on immobility, pain intensity, quality of life, sleep disorders, and cognition in these patients. The patients were 11 male retired professional football players from the National Football League and the Canadian Football League who had been medically diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome. Each participant received a morning and afternoon 2-hour session of these three specific manual therapies.

Conclusions: Ten sessions of specific CST/VM/NM therapy resulted in statistically greater improvements in pain intensity, ROM, memory, cognition, and sleep in concussed patients."

Image: Canva

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